Plastics Challenge - Update 1

Further to my last post regarding my attempt to ditch plastic from our lives I am now writing my next shopping list and have immediately realised how many products we purchase that are not available in any other kind of container. The first that comes to mind is yoghurt pots, I have a young daughter who eats baby yoghurts daily.

I will report on my progress, and what if any solutions I find at this early stage. I will also let you know what action I take to attempt to remedy the situation with manufacturers. I am happy to take as much action as I can personally however, money is a factor. Not many of us are in a position to drastically increase our outgoings in order to address an issue like this but that doesn't mean there aren't significant measures we can take.

Image Credit: Eco Hustler

In the meantime I have a couple of useful links to pass on. As Earth Hour 2018 approaches the WWF invite you to make a Promise for the Planet. Just one small commitment by you really can make a difference. You may choose to change to a reusable coffee cup when out and about, refuse plastic cutlery, wash your clothes at a 30 degrees, switch to green energy or buy an electric car. I like this campaign because there is something that everyone can do. I cannot afford to buy an electric car but I can commit to many of the other promises.

Take a look at their webpage here, and of course if you haven't already start making plans for your hour of darkness, Earth Hour on 24th March at 8.30pm. We like to get the candles out and play games or tell stories. Earth Hour is an opportunity for individuals and countries to show their support towards combating climate change.

The second link I want to pass on is 4Ocean which is a company removing plastics from the oceans that raise money for their venture by selling bracelets made from the plastics they retrieve. One bracelet is equivalent to removing one pound of plastic debris from our oceans. I know what my Christmas gifts will be this year! Take a look at their amazing work here.


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