Creatures of the Night...

Following the recent conviction of Steve Wright for the murder of 5 prostitutes in Ipswich debate has been prompted once more regarding the pros and cons of legalizing prostitution.

Some would argue that it is an ugly truth that we cannot ignore or prevent and that a legal and regulated system would at least provide a safe, disease and drug free industry for people who chose to work in it.

Others would argue that it is an unacceptable truth that must be eradicated without exception.

I have never met anyone who convinced me that it was exactly what they wanted to do and that they could cope with all of the consequences, but I cannot say that ‘that’ someone does not exist.

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this, please feel free to leave me a comment or vote on the poll, all of your opinions are welcome.


  1. I voted Yes.
    If only it would help the girls keep safe,
    But I think the issue is why they are out there in the first place. It is now more likely the girls have a habit to feed, and this is their one and only action they have left to gain the sort of monies involved.
    The other thing I would like to see is to take the criminals out of the equation. The fact that east European girls are now being smuggled over and forced into this act as got to be stopped. Any girl that's forced by others deserves protecting.
    Also Curb Crawling should be made more of a crime... the local papers naming and shaming like drink drivers.
    The one thing that would make the government adopt the idea of legalising it is if there was money to be made by taxes...

    Tackle the causes of why the girls do it along with trying to help the girls to regain their lives.

    I hope thats the kind of comment you wanted...

  2. Tom I am so glad to have found you! Thank you for your vote and comment. I welcome all feedback here and think you have made some very good points.

    I of course have my own opinions however I do try and keep this blog impartial.

    With regard to this topic I cannot decide and see pro's and con's. I think a lot of it is that I just cannot get past the thought that I want to live in a world where there is no demand for this kind of relationship however, I think I am being a little naive there!

    Thank you again for your valued input, regards to you and Jane. Bye for now!

  3. I agree entirely with you about your out look.. if only life was like that.


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